Choose, buy, download for free and read books with the new version of eReader Prestigio App!

eReader Prestigio, an advanced ereading application by Presitigio, which had been launched early spring this year and already earned significant popularity among users, has received the update version 1.2, free for all users on Google Play and

The new version is released in 23 languages and comes with a new function allowing users to categorize books in unique collections thanks to the convenient library management system. The application permits to choose different sorting criteria: author, book titles, genres, file type and others.

Besides the Collection feature, the new version offers a direct access to My Prestigio Cabinet. Created with users in mind, My Prestigio gives access to the expanded eBook market place offering more than 250 000 eBooks in 22 different languages, among which over 30 000 eBooks are free. Once registered, My Prestigio also retains all personal settings and preferences, making online shopping both personalized and easy.

To all that, The 1.2 app version brings in several upgrades, speeding up automatic bookshelf indexing, adding more attractive book covers and optimizing screen sizes support for different devices.

Download the version 1.2 of eReader Prestigio from our website or from the Google Play (Android Market) and enjoy the most convenient electronic reading!